一.proj_match_points_distortion_ransac(Image1, Image2 : : Rows1, Cols1, Rows2, Cols2, GrayMatchMethod, MaskSize, RowMove, ColMove, RowTolerance, ColTolerance, Rotation,
MatchThreshold, EstimationMethod, DistanceThreshold, RandSeed : HomMat2D, Kappa, Error, Points1, Points2)
在输入图像Image1 Image2中给出一组特征点的坐标(Rows1 Cols1)和(Rows2 Cols2),
径向畸变系数 Kappa(k),最佳满足以下方程:
r1,c1,r2,c2表示用除法模型对输入图像点进行不失真处理得到的图像点,参考 calibrate_cameras。
用于匹配的掩码窗口的大小为MaskSize x MaskSize。
参数 EstimationMethod 确定了计算投影变换矩阵的算法。
如果将EstimationMethod 设置为“linear”,则使用线性算法。
对于EstimationMethod = 'gold_standard',使用了一种数学上最优但较慢的优化方法,使几何重投影误差最小化。
通常,最好使用EstimationMethod = 'gold_standard'。
如果RandSeed = 0,则使用当前时间初始化随机数生成器。
dev_update_off ()
* Read and display the images
read_image (Image1, 'mosaic/building_01')
read_image (Image2, 'mosaic/building_02')
get_image_size (Image1, Width, Height)
dev_close_window ()
dev_open_window (0, 0, Width, Height, 'white', WindowHandle)
set_display_font (WindowHandle, 16, 'mono', 'true', 'false')
dev_display (Image1)
disp_message (WindowHandle, 'Image 1 to be matched', 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true')
stop ()
dev_display (Image2)
disp_message (WindowHandle, 'Image 2 to be matched', 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true')
stop ()
* Extract points to be matched from the images
points_foerstner (Image1, 1, 2, 3, 50, 0.1, 'gauss', 'true', Rows1, Columns1, CoRRJunctions, CoRCJunctions, CoCCJunctions, RowArea, ColumnArea, CoRRArea, CoRCArea, CoCCArea)
points_foerstner (Image2, 1, 2, 3, 50, 0.1, 'gauss', 'true', Rows2, Columns2, CoRRJunctions, CoRCJunctions, CoCCJunctions, RowArea, ColumnArea, CoRRArea, CoRCArea, CoCCArea)
* We will first perform a normal projective matching that does not take
* the radial distortions into account to show the errors that are caused
* by neglecting the radial distortions.
proj_match_points_ransac (Image1, Image2, Rows1, Columns1, Rows2, Columns2, 'ncc', 10, 0, 0, Height, Width, 0, 0.5, 'gold_standard', 2, 42, HomMat2DUnrectified, Points1Unrectified, Points2Unrectified)
* Construct a projective mosaic from the two unrectified images.
concat_obj (Image1, Image2, Images)
gen_projective_mosaic (Images, MosaicImageUnrectified, 1, 1, 2, HomMat2DUnrectified, 'default', 'false', MosaicMatrices2DUnrectified)
* Display unrectified results
get_image_size (MosaicImageUnrectified, Width, Height)
dev_set_window_extents (-1, -1, Width, Height)
dev_clear_window ()
dev_display (MosaicImageUnrectified)
* Display seam line
projective_trans_pixel (MosaicMatrices2DUnrectified[9:17], [0,493], [0,0], RowTrans, ColumnTrans)
gen_contour_polygon_xld (Contour, RowTrans, ColumnTrans)
set_line_style (WindowHandle, [1,5])
dev_set_line_width (1)
dev_set_color ('yellow')
dev_display (Contour)
set_line_style (WindowHandle, [])
dev_set_draw ('margin')
dev_set_color ('red')
dev_set_line_width (3)
gen_circle (Circle, [82,402], [228,223], [15,15])
dev_display (Circle)
Message := 'The mosaic image does not fit'
Message[1] := 'perfectly, if radial distortions'
Message[2] := 'are not taken into account.'
disp_message (WindowHandle, Message, 'image', 200, 300, 'black', 'true')
disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true')
stop ()
* Now, we will perform a projective matching that takes the radial
* distortions into account.
get_image_size (Image1, Width, Height)
proj_match_points_distortion_ransac (Image1, Image2, Rows1, Columns1, Rows2, Columns2, 'ncc', 10, 0, 0, Height, Width, 0, 0.5, 'gold_standard', 1, 42, HomMat2D, Kappa, Error, Points1, Points2)
* Construct camera parameters for the purpose of rectifying the images,
* i.e., to remove the radial distortions.
gen_cam_par_area_scan_telecentric_division (1.0, Kappa, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5 * (Width - 1), 0.5 * (Height - 1), Width, Height, CamParDist)
* Remove the radial distortions from the images.
change_radial_distortion_cam_par ('fixed', CamParDist, 0, CamPar)
change_radial_distortion_image (Image1, Image1, Image1Rect, CamParDist, CamPar)
change_radial_distortion_image (Image2, Image2, Image2Rect, CamParDist, CamPar)
* Construct a mosaic from the two rectified images. Note that the images
* fit together perfectly.
concat_obj (Image1Rect, Image2Rect, ImagesRect)
gen_projective_mosaic (ImagesRect, MosaicImage, 1, 1, 2, HomMat2D, 'default', 'false', MosaicMatrices2D)
* Display rectified results
get_image_size (MosaicImage, Width, Height)
dev_set_window_extents (-1, -1, Width, Height)
dev_clear_window ()
dev_display (MosaicImage)
* Display seam line
projective_trans_pixel (MosaicMatrices2D[9:17], [0,493], [0,0], RowTrans, ColumnTrans)
gen_contour_polygon_xld (Contour2, RowTrans, ColumnTrans)
set_line_style (WindowHandle, [1,5])
dev_set_line_width (1)
dev_set_color ('yellow')
dev_display (Contour2)
set_line_style (WindowHandle, [])
dev_set_draw ('margin')
dev_set_color ('green')
dev_set_line_width (3)
gen_circle (Circle, [124,496], [244,239], [15,15])
dev_display (Circle)
Message := 'The mosaic image fits perfectly,'
Message[1] := 'if radial distortions are taken'
Message[2] := 'into account.'
disp_message (WindowHandle, Message, 'image', 200, 300, 'black', 'true')
二.proj_match_points_distortion_ransac_guided(Image1, Image2 : : Rows1, Cols1,
Rows2, Cols2, GrayMatchMethod, MaskSize, HomMat2DGuide, KappaGuide, DistanceTolerance,
MatchThreshold, EstimationMethod, DistanceThreshold, RandSeed : HomMat2D, Kappa, Error, Points1, Points2)
* This example shows how to use proj_match_points_distortion_ransac_guided
* to match two images in a mosaicking application.
* Initialization
dev_update_off ()
* Read and display the images
read_image (Image1, 'mosaic/building_01')
read_image (Image2, 'mosaic/building_02')
get_image_size (Image1, Width, Height)
dev_close_window ()
dev_open_window (0, 0, Width, Height, 'black', WindowHandle)
set_display_font (WindowHandle, 16, 'mono', 'true', 'false')
dev_display (Image1)
disp_message (WindowHandle, 'Image 1 to be matched', 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true')
stop ()
dev_display (Image2)
disp_message (WindowHandle, 'Image 2 to be matched', 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true')
stop ()
* Set the zoom factor by which the images are zoomed down to obtain
* initial estimates of the projective transformation and of the radial
* distortion coefficient.
Factor := 0.5
* Zoom down the images.
zoom_image_factor (Image1, Image1Zoomed, Factor, Factor, 'constant')
zoom_image_factor (Image2, Image2Zoomed, Factor, Factor, 'constant')
* Extract points to be matched from the low-resolution images.
points_foerstner (Image1Zoomed, 1, 2, 3, 50, 0.1, 'gauss', 'true', Rows1, Cols1, CoRRJunctions, CoRCJunctions, CoCCJunctions, RowArea, ColumnArea, CoRRArea, CoRCArea, CoCCArea)
points_foerstner (Image2Zoomed, 1, 2, 3, 50, 0.1, 'gauss', 'true', Rows2, Cols2, CoRRJunctions, CoRCJunctions, CoCCJunctions, RowArea, ColumnArea, CoRRArea, CoRCArea, CoCCArea)
* Read out the image size, which is only used here to make the search
* range for point matches as large as possible.
get_image_size (Image1Zoomed, Width, Height)
* Perform the initial point matching on the low-resolution images.
proj_match_points_distortion_ransac (Image1Zoomed, Image2Zoomed, Rows1, Cols1, Rows2, Cols2, 'ncc', 10, 0, 0, Height, Width, 0, 0.5, 'gold_standard', 1, 42, HomMat2D, Kappa, Error, Points1, Points2)
* Adapt the projective transformation to the original image resolution.
hom_mat2d_scale_local (HomMat2D, Factor, Factor, HomMat2DGuide)
hom_mat2d_scale (HomMat2DGuide, 1.0 / Factor, 1.0 / Factor, 0, 0, HomMat2DGuide)
* Adapt the radial distortion coefficient to the original image resolution.
KappaGuide := Kappa * Factor * Factor
* Extract points to be matched from the original images.
points_foerstner (Image1, 1, 2, 3, 50, 0.1, 'gauss', 'true', Rows1, Cols1, CoRRJunctions, CoRCJunctions, CoCCJunctions, RowArea, ColumnArea, CoRRArea, CoRCArea, CoCCArea)
points_foerstner (Image2, 1, 2, 3, 50, 0.1, 'gauss', 'true', Rows2, Cols2, CoRRJunctions, CoRCJunctions, CoCCJunctions, RowArea, ColumnArea, CoRRArea, CoRCArea, CoCCArea)
* Match the points in the original images using the estimates of the
* projective transformation and of the radial distortion coefficient as
* a guide.
proj_match_points_distortion_ransac_guided (Image1, Image2, Rows1, Cols1, Rows2, Cols2, 'ncc', 10, HomMat2DGuide, KappaGuide, 5, 0.5, 'gold_standard', 1, 42, HomMat2D, Kappa, Error, Points1, Points2)
* Construct camera parameters for the purpose of rectifying the images,
* i.e., to remove the radial distortions.
get_image_size (Image1, Width, Height)
gen_cam_par_area_scan_telecentric_division (1.0, Kappa, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5 * (Width - 1), 0.5 * (Height - 1), Width, Height, CamParDist)
* Remove the radial distortions from the images.
change_radial_distortion_cam_par ('fixed', CamParDist, 0, CamPar)
change_radial_distortion_image (Image1, Image1, Image1Rect, CamParDist, CamPar)
change_radial_distortion_image (Image2, Image2, Image2Rect, CamParDist, CamPar)
* Construct a mosaic from the two rectified images. Note that the images
* fit together perfectly.
concat_obj (Image1Rect, Image2Rect, ImagesRect)
gen_projective_mosaic (ImagesRect, MosaicImage, 1, 1, 2, HomMat2D, 'default', 'false', MosaicMatrices2D)
get_image_size (MosaicImage, Width, Height)
dev_set_window_extents (-1, -1, Width, Height)
dev_clear_window ()
dev_display (MosaicImage)
disp_message (WindowHandle, 'Mosaic image', 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')