pParentChart | A pointer to a parent chart. 父类图表指针 |
strText | Specifies the text. 文本内容 |
dblValX | X value in Chart coordinates. 图表坐标中X值 |
dblValY | Y value in chart coordinates. 图表坐标中Y值 |
brTextColor | Text color. 文本颜色 |
brFill | Fill color. 填充颜色 |
brOutline | Outline color. 外框颜色 |
dblDistanceFromPoint | Distance of the center of text box from X,Y (specified by dblValX, dblValY). Can be empty. 文本框中心距X,Y的距离(由dblValX,dblValY指定)。可以是空的。 |
dblAngle | Angle (in degrees) of the text box relative to Y axis. 文本框相对于Y轴的角度(以度为单位)。 |
bDrawConnector | TRUE - draw connector between text box and the point specified by dblValX, dblValY. 在文本框和dblValX、dblValY指定的点之间绘制连接线 |
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