<blockquote>// CreateReservedPalette<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>- Create a palette using the PC_RESERVED flag
// FadeIn - Draws a start color and fades the bitmap in.
// pDC - Pointer to the device context to draw in
// hDIB - Handle to a device-independent bitmap
// clrStart - The start color of the bitmap
// xDest - x-coordinate of upper-left corner of dest. rect.
// yDest - y-coordinate of upper-left corner of dest. rect.
// nLoops - How many loops to fade the image in
// nDelay - Delay in milli-seconds between each loop
void FadeIn( CDC *pDC, HANDLE hDIB, COLORREF clrStart, int xDest, int yDest,
int nLoops, int nDelay )
PALETTEENTRY peAnimate[256];
PALETTEENTRY peOriginal[256];
CPalette pal;
// Create a 236 colors or less logical palette with PC_RESERVED set
if (!(hPal = CreateReservedPalette(hDIB)))
// The palette will be deleted when the CPalette object is destroyed
pal.Attach( hPal );
int nColors = bmInfo.bmiHeader.biClrUsed ? bmInfo.bmiHeader.biClrUsed :
1 << bmInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount; int nWidth="bmInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth;" int nHeight="bmInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight;" // Obtain the original entries in the palette GetPaletteEntries(hPal, 0, nColors, (LPPALETTEENTRY)&peOriginal); // Change all the entries in the palette to the start color int clrRValue="GetRValue(clrStart);" int clrGValue="GetGValue(clrStart);" int clrBValue="GetBValue(clrStart);" for (int j="0;" j < nColors; j++) { peAnimate[j].peRed="clrRValue;" peAnimate[j].peGreen="clrGValue;" peAnimate[j].peBlue="clrBValue;" peAnimate[j].peFlags="PC_RESERVED;" } // Select the palette CPalette *pOldPalette="pDC-"SelectPalette(&pal, FALSE);
// We need to draw the image so that it appears as a rectangle
// with the start color. At the same time we don't want the
// colors to be remapped, otherwise all the pixels would remain
// the same color. We use a memory DC to achieve this.
for( int i=1; i <= nLoops; i++ ) { for (j="0;" j < nColors; j++) { peAnimate[j].peRed="clrRValue" ((clrRValue-peOriginal[j].peRed)*i)/nLoops; peAnimate[j].peGreen="clrGValue" ((clrGValue-peOriginal[j].peGreen)*i)/nLoops; peAnimate[j].peBlue="clrBValue" ((clrBValue-peOriginal[j].peBlue)*i)/nLoops; } pal.AnimatePalette(0, nColors, (LPPALETTEENTRY)&peAnimate); // Delay... Sleep(nDelay); } // Reselect old objects into DC memDC.SelectPalette(pOldMemPalette, FALSE); memDC.SelectObject( pOldBitmap ); pDC-SelectPalette(pOldPalette, FALSE);
// FadeOut - Draws a bitmap and fades it out to the desired end color
// pDC - Pointer to the device context to draw in
// hDIB - Handle to a device-independent bitmap
// clrEnd - The final color of the bitmap
// xDest - x-coordinate of upper-left corner of dest. rect.
// yDest - y-coordinate of upper-left corner of dest. rect.
// nLoops - How many loops to fade the image out.
// nDelay - Delay in milli-seconds between each loop
void FadeOut( CDC *pDC, HANDLE hDIB, COLORREF clrEnd, int xDest, int yDest,
int nLoops, int nDelay )
PALETTEENTRY peAnimate[256];
PALETTEENTRY peOriginal[256];
CPalette pal;
// Create a 236 colors or less logical palette with PC_RESERVED set
if (!(hPal = CreateReservedPalette(hDIB)))
// The palette will be deleted when the CPalette object is destroyed
pal.Attach( hPal );
int nColors = bmInfo.bmiHeader.biClrUsed ? bmInfo.bmiHeader.biClrUsed :
1 << bmInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount; int nWidth="bmInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth;" int nHeight="bmInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight;" // Obtain the original entries in the palette GetPaletteEntries(hPal, 0, nColors, (LPPALETTEENTRY)&peAnimate); GetPaletteEntries(hPal, 0, nColors, (LPPALETTEENTRY)&peOriginal); // Get end color values int clrRValue="GetRValue(clrEnd);" int clrGValue="GetGValue(clrEnd);" int clrBValue="GetBValue(clrEnd);" // Select the palette CPalette *pOldPalette="pDC-"SelectPalette(&pal, FALSE);