// The function has no arg for bitfields
if( dwCompression == BI_BITFIELDS )
return NULL;
// If a palette has not been supplied use defaul palette
hPal = (HPALETTE) pPal->GetSafeHandle();
if (hPal==NULL)
// Get bitmap information
// Compute the size of the infoheader and the color table
int nColors = (1 << bi.biBitCount); if( nColors> 256 )
nColors = 0;
dwLen = bi.biSize + nColors * sizeof(RGBQUAD);
// We need a device context to get the DIB from
hDC = GetDC(NULL);
hPal = SelectPalette(hDC,hPal,FALSE);
// Allocate enough memory to hold bitmapinfoheader and color table
hDIB = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED,dwLen);
if (!hDIB){
return NULL;
*lpbi = bi;
// Call GetDIBits with a NULL lpBits param, so the device driver
// will calculate the biSizeImage field
GetDIBits(hDC, (HBITMAP)bitmap.GetSafeHandle(), 0L, (DWORD)bi.biHeight,
bi = *lpbi;
// If the driver did not fill in the biSizeImage field, then compute it
// Each scan line of the image is aligned on a DWORD (32bit) boundary
if (bi.biSizeImage == 0){
bi.biSizeImage = ((((bi.biWidth * bi.biBitCount) + 31) & ~31) / 8)
* bi.biHeight;
// If a compression scheme is used the result may infact be larger
// Increase the size to account for this.
if (dwCompression != BI_RGB)
bi.biSizeImage = (bi.biSizeImage * 3) / 2;
// Realloc the buffer so that it can hold all the bits
dwLen += bi.biSizeImage;
if (handle = GlobalReAlloc(hDIB, dwLen, GMEM_MOVEABLE))
hDIB = handle;
// Reselect the original palette
return NULL;
// Get the bitmap bits
// FINALLY get the DIB
BOOL bGotBits = GetDIBits( hDC, (HBITMAP)bitmap.GetSafeHandle(),
0L, // Start scan line
(DWORD)bi.biHeight, // # of scan lines
(LPBYTE)lpbi // address for bitmap bits
+ (bi.biSize + nColors * sizeof(RGBQUAD)),
(LPBITMAPINFO)lpbi, // address of bitmapinfo
(DWORD)DIB_RGB_COLORS); // Use RGB for color table
// Create and select a logical palette if needed
if( nColors <= 256 && dc.GetDeviceCaps(RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE) { UINT nSize="sizeof(LOGPALETTE)" + (sizeof(PALETTEENTRY) * nColors); LOGPALETTE *pLP="(LOGPALETTE" *) new BYTE[nSize]; pLP->palVersion = 0x300;
pLP->palNumEntries = nColors;
for( int i=0; i palPalEntry.peRed = bmInfo.bmiColors.rgbRed;
pLP->palPalEntry.peGreen = bmInfo.bmiColors.rgbGreen;
pLP->palPalEntry.peBlue = bmInfo.bmiColors.rgbBlue;
pLP->palPalEntry.peFlags = 0;
pal.CreatePalette( pLP );
delete[] pLP;
// Select and realize the palette
pOldPal = dc.SelectPalette( &pal, FALSE );
hbm = CreateDIBitmap(dc.GetSafeHdc(), // handle to device context
(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)lpbi, // pointer to bitmap info header
(LONG)CBM_INIT, // initialization flag
lpDIBBits, // pointer to initialization data
(LPBITMAPINFO)lpbi, // pointer to bitmap info
DIB_RGB_COLORS ); // color-data usage
if (pal.GetSafeHandle())